Monday, February 9, 2009

All in all a good time was had by all!!!


Could Soraya have inherited the cleaning gene from Nana????????

Hanging out a Nana's

While I was shopping with Auntie and dad when skeet shooting with Grandpa. Dad and Grandpa were like Clint Eastwood out there!!!!! After a few practice rounds, mom wasn't too shabby either!

Getting into Nana's jewelery...

No Texan princess is complete without a pedicure.....

Safari Park! The giraffes ate right out of our hands and Soraya got to sit in the front seat where all the action was!

Showing Nana how Soraya can skate - even the ice is warmer in Texas1

Our Trip to Texas!!!!!!

We had a ball!!! Here are some pictures to prove it!

George Bush's new home. He's a pretty popular guy!